Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Last Friday afternoon a tornado touched down in the Creston area of Casey County. Four families lost their homes and everything they owned. By Friday evening, the community had come together and volunteers were offering their services and/or whatever was needed.

What a great place to live.

BBQ cooker set up for volunteers and victims.

At Crockett Trail Store.

One of the destroyed trailers.

The other side of the road.

These guys put in very long hours. First they had to remove the downed trees and then they repaired the lines.

Barns that were destroyed. They were rebuilding by the time I drove by on Monday.

Next to the Cold Spring Church.

All this destruction happened in less than 1 minute. Such scary stuff.

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Anne said...

More than 25 homes were damaged significantly, I understand, with lots of families having to move in with family and friends. But the community did come through with lots of food, and lots of help cleaning up. Truly great examples of helping one's neighbors. Thanks for sharing these photos.

NouveauBlogger said...

Man! That's unbelievable! I can't imagine......

It does show the good in people during time of crisis, though, doesn't it? Good for them!

Misfit in Paradise said...

The local paper said that 82 homes received some kind of damage.

Nick Ballesteros said...

Tornadoes on your part of the world, super typhoons in ours. The Philippines was devastated by two typhoons recently. :-(

But in the midst of all these, we see people who go out of their way to help the less fortunate. There's hope for humanity yet.

BPOTW said...

These tragedies are, indeed, sad, but I always get the warm-fuzzies when I see the true American spirit come to life in the times of need. Thanks for sharing.

Sandy said...

Can't imagine such devastation in so short a time. Looks like a wonderful town judging by the neighbors.

Misfit in Paradise said...

It is a good community. I have been lucky enough to be a part of it for 13 years now.