Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Million Dollar Highway

The Million Dollar Highway is one of only 2 north-south highways in Colorado that is west of the Continental Divide. I am not sure what the other one is but it is probably straighter than this one.

According to, there are at least 2 explanations as to the soiurce of the name. One version claims it is based on the value of the ore-bearing fill that was used to construct the road and another says it refers to the high cost of building a road over the Red Mountain Pass (11,008 feet).

Wikipedia warns there is a 'degree of excitement' involved with traveling this road. But 1000 Places to See Before You Die insists it is a road must taken. Who were we to argue?

From Montrose to Ouray (Oooooooray? Youray? Hourray?) the road was fairly benign. Plenty of mountain views, sweeping curves, and minimal grades. However, the minute you leave Ouray, the craziness begins. Switchbacks, n curves (who ever heard of a n curve?), etc. My daughter, who was driving, asked me if I wanted to stop at the first pulloff.

My NO was fairly emphatic because I knew that if we stopped I would never be able to continue on up! It didn't matter which direction the cars were headed, EVERYONE was hugging the center line. I was having a hard time not climbing into Fuchsia's lap so I could be away from the edge. The GUARDRAILLESS EDGE!

Near the top was a pulloff area for the Idarod mine. I felt confident enough to halt there and actually get out of the car for a few minutes. There were a few signs which described the mine across the road and also named the visible mountains. Red Mountain 1, Red Mountain 2, and Red Mountain 3. My daughter pointed out they weren't too creative on the naming thing.

She also told me that when she had made the same trip with her dad her complaint had been that if you did go over the edge, you would have enough time to know that you were going to die. Bass Man told her you would probably have enough time to write a goodbye note. What a chipper thought!

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