Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today was flea treatment day. I did the dogs first since they are the easiest. Cruella stands there (like she does for just about anything) while Comet can't wait to get away so she can roll. Wriggle. And do anything else that might possibly remove the Frontline.

The cats are a bit trickier. If they hear so much as the crinkle of the aluminum the Advantage is wrapped in they go on high alert. I have to trap each of them in a room by themselves, dose them, and then get the heck out of the way. They hate it.

Cupid despises it so much she simply disappears into thin air.

A pretty amazing trick for a 15 lb. cat with unusual markings.


Sparrow said...

I always hate treating the cats with this stuff...they get crazy and act like you are about to perform a labotomy on them.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Perhaps if they hadn't watched you do that very thing to Mr. Irene...

Sparrow said...

Dang it! I see the cats are not the only ones on to me!

Ohhhh and Irene is NO LONGER part of my name..HA!

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how a 25 pound cat can be invisible when you rumple the plastic of the evil flea goo?!!