Thursday, April 2, 2009


Just the other day at work I was talking with a co-worker about how wonderful a dishwasher can make your life. I actually cook now that I don't have to hand wash a million dishes. I told the Bassman that I would never again be without one.

Apparently, the thing heard me singing its praises and decided to stage a test to see just how devoted I was. Because the dishwasher is the reason I had gondolas floating in my kitchen.

Of course, it is never an obvious leak. To find this one, we (and by we I mean Bob and Isaiah) had to tear the entire wall apart in the kitchen. The cabinets (mdf) were completely ruined. The floor was covered with a lovely layer of water, mud, and mdf particles.

All the chaos was caused by the drain. It had become clogged and drained back into the kitchen.

That's the logical explanation. Me? I think it was just trying to discover how sincere I was with my loyalty.

Dishwasher - 1, Misfit - 0.

P.S. Happy Birthday Bob!


Sparrow said...

Dare I ask how many cats you have tried bathing in your dishwasher?? What clogged the drain? Tee hee..I just pictured a cat sitting patiently through the drying cycle.

Morgan the Muse said...

Well, but you found the leak, which is a good thing. Our dishwasher has quit, and I have to wash all our dishes by hand. v.v I pretty much hate it.

Misfit in Paradise said...

No cats, just kittens.
Morgan - Can't you convince your dad that your mom needs a new one for Mother's Day?

Anne said...

What would we do if we didn't have neighbors who sub as plumbers? Glad you found the problem, but know you hate the mess. I can just see the D-dog and the C-dog enjoying the heck out of all of the commotion. Take a deep breath......

Fr. Bob Lemmon said...

No Annest the neighbor does not "sub" as a plumber. All plumbing is done free of charge...and of course--liablity :). Thanks for the birthday greeting Donna. Someone told me "40 is not the end of the world, but I think you can see it from there." Maybe I'll just keep my eyes on the task at hand.

Misfit in Paradise said...

I found that at 40 the world just kept getting bigger.