Friday, January 14, 2011

The Scary Wonderful Internet

My youngest daughter (Fuchsia) works from home via the internet. She also does a bit of her socializing there.

Back in March or so of 2010 she decided she wanted to attend PAX Prime. Penny Arcade Expo. It was held in Seattle in early September. Before she went, she spent several months in relevant chat rooms getting to know many other attendees.

She went to Seattle, met a ton of people she had chatted with face to face, and had an outstanding time. She came away from there with some wonderful new friends.

Two of whom live in China. So my baby girl, my little baby girl, is on the beginning of a long trip to go visit them. Her journey of 20,000 miles began today with me taking her to Berea, Ky. She is spending the night there and her co-worker will take her to Lexington, Ky in the morning (to save me the 3:30 am wake up call) where Fuchsia will board a plane for Seattle. After a week there, she heads off to China.

China. Wow. I am excited for her, envious, and a bit terrified. So very far from home.

I know she will have a great time. And, hopefully, take eleventy zillion photos.

Most importantly, she better remember to bring her dear sweet mother some great bling. And Fuchsia, if you are reading this, bling does not include chickens!


Mr. Spruce Up said...

maybe a STUFFED chicken? or a pair of lovely bronzed good luck chiken feet?

Misfit in Paradise said...

She is going to buy a live chicken to throw in the tiger cage at the zoo. Apparently that is something they do there. However, she believes that once that chicken looks at her, she may be bringing it home.

Kate said...

Go Fuschia go! What a great opportunity! Can't wait to hear what kind of bling she brings ya! No Chickens.

Yvonne said...

Wow! What a great opportunity for your daughter. I hope she has a good time. Love the photo.

Mara said...

And people say your world goes smaller by the internet! They should give it a go!!

Misfit in Paradise said...

The internet does bring such wonderful opportunities. Thank you Al Gore.