Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Crows and Ted

I mentioned earlier in the week something about TED (remember? Of course you do.). Great website.

Not only am I a fan of that but I love crows too (one of the highlights of my life was when they would fly up to the balcony and eat out of my hand in Hilton Head). How cool that I have found a combination of the two;

A bit lengthy video but because it is so fascinating, it is worth every moment.


Mara said...

I loved his talk about crows. He has a great sense of humour and doesn't ehm and ah every other word which is fantastic!

Whether or not I would want crows in my backyard? Well, if they would only whistle a bit more softly...

Misfit in Paradise said...

Occasionally they make a sound like gurgling water. They fascinate me.

LisaF said...

I've never heard of Ted and his website, but I think I'll be a frequent visitor now! Thanks for the new read.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Thanks for stopping by.