Sunday, July 18, 2010


My life has turned into pure chaos the last few months and it just seems to keep getting more confusing. I am not asking for sympathy, just trying to give an explanation for my randomness.

Bassman is home. That is mostly a great thing. It's the lack of employment that is a bit disconcerting. I am sure it will work out for us, it's just a tad scary. In the meantime, I am quit willing to read your tarot cards for a nominal fee if you happen to be in the neighborhood!

Even scarier (because, after all, the employment thing is only about money), is the diagnosis of cancer that was pronounced upon my father this month. Cancer. Holy crap, that word just takes all the breath out of my body and replaces it with tears. Try as I might, it is just too effing hard to be lighthearted about it.

So try to forgive me for being a downer for the next few days while I attempt to get my feet back under me. Bassman and I are heading up to the old country (New York) for some little while and Fuchsia will be tending to our Kentucky paradise.

Normal looks a long ways off.


Sharon said...

Oh, Donna, I'm so so sorry about your dad. It sounds all too familiar to me - including the lengthy distance involved. I'll be thinking about you, that's for sure.

Mara said...

I'm sorry to hear such bad tidings about your father. I hope he will recover. And I bet the job situation will work out as well.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Thank you both.

NouveauBlogger said...

Sorry to hear about that and best wishes. My father-in-law was just diagnosed as well. He's doing well and we're all cautiously optimistic so I'll be sending some good vibes your way!

Misfit in Paradise said...

Nouveau - Thank you. All the best for your Father-in-law.

Anne said...

And what exactly is normal? No apologies for feeling whatever you feel. And no need for making light of any of the stuff going on. Glad Bassman is home now and despite everything going on, you can be together! Fuchsia knows where to find us if she needs help

Kate said...

Yes, normal is that one big question mark, always. I can relate to your current anxieties.. similar stuff going on in my world. All we can do is keep our heads up, our hearts open, and our minds focused.. though a glass of wine at dinner can help, too, even if it's the cheap stuff!

Sending good thoughts to your Dad and you.. stay strong.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Thanks Kate. It's tough to face this stuff.