My first expedition in Montrose entertaining seemed to be a success (hey, I had a good time so what else matters?). Lots of food, lots of great conversation, and 2 young gentlemen (6 and 8) to remind us what fun is about.
However, as is typical with my socials, I might have prepared just a little too much food. Everyone took stuff home and this is what we are left with,
So once again, if you are in the neighborhood make sure you drop in for lunch!
Well, if I ever am in the neighbourhood, I will come round to sample something. Whether it will be the leftovers from this Easter? I doubt it somehow!
We were all so sick we didn't even make aneaster meal..I am jealous
Mara - I promise I won't save the Easter leftovers until you get here.
Sparrow - Get better then have your feast another day! Like Earth Day! Nothing says "I love you Earth" more than slaughtering innocent critters for dinner!
sounds like a wonderful time! we LOVE left-overs! (and I like the pic of the fridge...but where or where is that organic milk?!?) - hehehehe!
It's right in front!
I had a chicken parm sub at the bar for suppa yesterday.. it was good. I was hungry.
It does look like you had a fabulous day!
ummmm...i don't see anything that really resembles organic anything!
- hahahahaha! JK! = )
P.S. I'm jealous! I wanna' pink bike...waaaaaaa!
ok...all i see is T's Mountain Dew (I know, I's gotta be right in the front! - don't nobody go blocking that, fo' sure)!
We had to buy ice chests for the other sodas!
Message to Fushia: tell mr./ms. mountain dew that they need to get along with sodas of all colors!
(but at least you got a new ice chest or two!) = )
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