Tonight is (are?) the Academy Awards and for the first time in quite a few years, I won't be watching. Don't get me wrong, I like all the voyeuristic action checking out what everyone is wearing as much as the next person but the show just keeps getting more and more scripted. Timed acceptance speech, only the most popular categories shown and, the kicker for me, NO LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCES!
The live music and the wackiness of the actors used to be the whole reason to watch the show. Without it, I might as well be spending my time obsessing over who will be Montrose's Person of the Year. Or Courtney Love's all time best drug dealer. Or any number of bizarre also unimportant (to me now, just to me. I know some of you really enjoy this stuff and I don't think any less of you) events.
So instead of spending 3+ hours of my time immersed in the big awards show I will be stuffing my brain with classic, classy movie fare. Because the newest Trailer Park Boys video came in the mail. And, unbelievably (what were they thinking?), it doesn't seem to be up for any Oscars.
It was in the middle of the night for me, so I didn't really feel like staying up for it...
We started watching, but I fell asleep after thirty minutes - that might tell you how great it was! I think I'll stick to my library book next time!
The tidbits I saw (AFTER Trailer Park Boys) didn't impress me much. I did watch Jimmy Kimmel Oscar Special afterward (first time for me) and found his Handsome Men Club rather funny.
Rented trailer park boys on your suggestion...hope its as funny as you make it sound!
Sparrow - You do know there are 2 Trailer Park Movies, eh? It's like Gone With the Wind squared.
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