A) Batman lives within three blocks of me and drives a minivan. That information could come in handy in case of a sudden crime wave. Or a need to get to a nearby soccer game.
B) This is, in addition to being a house, apparently a ship. I deduced this by the crow's nest in the back yard. A new definition of the word houseboat!
C) Something scary lives under the eaves here. Maybe. Or maybe it is simply some harmless bird nest. Could go either way.
D) Last but not least, definite proof that there is a middle school across the street. Because this is not just paper trash but school papers with very low grades on them. Mom and Dad will never know.
Trivial? I think not. Cause when those middle schoolers climb down from the crow's nest and beat the tar out of the scary thing, knowing where Batman lives will suddenly become very, very important. Unless he's at the soccer field.
what if those were Batmans grades?
OMG!!! Say it ain't so!
It's always important to know something like that. Without you would miss out on life!
What if those were Batman's kids grades?
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